The Arts Bubble

Love the art in yourself, not yourself in the art.”  – Constantin Stanislavski

The Arts Bubble, a short term project of the Centre Theater, is presenting live theatre productions to unite our community by sharing important stories, and providing a safe space to build ensemble, give voice to important dialogues, and continue outreach to our neighbors as the heart of arts in Norristown that The Centre Theater has been known for over the last several decades. Presenting theatre youth workshops, adult productions, and interactive performance experiences for audiences of all ages, the bubble encourages our community to talk, explore, and empathize. 

We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” – Maya Angelou

The Arts Bubble is a healing project created to help audiences return to the live performance spaces and hold hands and hearts again with our neighbors. We hope to unmask human experience in a way that bonds us together while helping us hear one another more effectively. The space will be used to explore both stories that are joyful and those that are difficult, while providing community building that is essential and entertainment that is more intimate and connected than can be achieved via film, television or video. 

The more you can create that magic bubble, that suspension of disbelief, for awhile, the better.” Edward Norton

This bubble is temporary, ephemeral and here for as long as we need it. We hope that you, our neighbors, will travel with us in one adventure, or many, as we explore what it is to be human and connected while challenging one another to listen without judgement, empathize with different viewpoints, and ultimately, find the beauty in just doing the work.

“Jump. We’ll catch you.” – Aileen Lynch-McCulloch